Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Infants Parents dumped on the Road

Riau News - It did not have the heart and the conscience of humanity, at a time when many couples miss the presence of a child, but in the Rice Village, Kampar regency there are parents without feeling guilty throwing a new baby was born by the roadside.

Villagers Rice, District Mangunreja Kampar regency, with the invention of a figure right digempar baby boy expected a few hours old. Baby lying in a box of instant noodles by the roadside village, discovered by one local resident was walking home when hunting pigs.

Babies are still covered in blood with no dressing fabrics, the company brought by residents to the clinic to get help. Baby measuring 48 inches long and weighs approximately 2.5 pounds of it, had to be treated by way of warm light at the clinic.

"I'm curious to see cardboard on the sidewalk, and after opening it turns out there is a figure which is still bloody babies without any cloth that wrapped her body. Discovery of the baby, I report to the people and then immediately taken to the nearest health center," said resident inventor baby, Muzri.

Unit Chief of the Criminal Police Kampar, AKP Eka Putra Ariandy justify discovery at the expected baby is the result of an affair, the police are still continuing to develop and investigation to find out who the parents or the baby waster actors. (kabartv)

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Bupati Rohul Minta PLN Umumkan Jadwal Pemadaman Listrik di Media Massa

Berita Riau - Sejak satu bulan lalu, penerangan listrik di Rokan Hulu (Rohul) mengalami kendala. Pihak Rayon PLN Pasir Pangaraian melakukan pemadaman yang tidak menentu sehingga mengakibatkan warga resah. Apalagi pemadaman tersebut tanpa andanya pemebritahuan terlebih dahulu dari pihak PT. PLN.

Menyikapi ini, Bupati Rokan Hulu Drs. H. Achmad, MSi minta Pimpinan Rayon PLN Pasir Pangaraian bisa menjelaskan penyebab listrik padam, sebab itu bisa membuat presepsi masyarakat lain, pada Pemkab Rohul, termasuk ketika lampu di rumah penduduk pada, sedangkan lampu jalan hidup.

"Kita ingin pihak PLN menjelaskannya, kalau memang padam secara bergiliran,  kasih pengumuman di Media, kan pemkab sudah punya radio lokal,  RTV lokal untuk Rohul, koran juga banyak itu, biar masyarakat bisa siap-siap, kalau lampu padam daerah tertentu, kan disiapkan seperti menghidupkan genset, lampu petromak, lampu togok atau lilin," sebut Achmad usai kegiatan Revaluasi Raker MTQ ke 32 Riau di Kantor Bupati Rohul, Selasa (12/2/2013).